There’s an express route to the new Grand Central Madison station set 15 stories below ground: three elevators that could become a hit with LIRR commuters.
The lifts — two of which are hard to find — take about 20 seconds to travel from the street to the concourse level of the new terminal. A walk from the street to the gleaming platforms beneath Grand Central Terminal takes more than seven minutes.
“Once you find it, it’s easy, like everything else in life,” said Richard Arkwright, who rode into the terminal from Manhasset and took the elevator from the station up to East 48th Street. “Now I got to find out what street I’m on.”
„Љубитељ пива. Предан научник поп културе. Нинџа кафе. Зли љубитељ зомбија. Организатор.“
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